The rec list with no theme except for them all being excellent fic.

Oct 29, 2020 10:09

Copper and Moonlight (the Mimi & Rodolfo Remix). This is another one from nwhepcat because why would you ration yourself when there is quality fic to be had? Willow and Xander tend to Giles after his ordeal with Angelus. (This is a remix of Substitute by antennapedia which is also worth your time)

I love ensemble fic and One Day Like This by il_mio_capitano is a great example of it done well. It’s the annual cricket match at the Watcher’s Academy - Giles is feeling harried, his secretary is being difficult, Andrew is wearing cricket whites, Xander is full of self doubt, Buffy is trying to work on her tan, Willow is captain of her team and Kennedy wants to play polo.

Who’s That Girl by Gabrielle (velvetwhip) is a wonderful character study of S6 Buffy who has lost the girl she was and doesn’t know how to be the girl she is now. But a conversation with Tara helps both of them. This is lovely and the symbolism works beautifully.

In Get Happy by usedtobeljs Giles and Anya are still finding their feet as a couple and on a trip to LA they run into The Host. Giles/Anya is wonderful when done well and this is done really really well.

Galileo on the 41 by inkandchocolate (formerly Lar) This is Lindsey and Xander star gazing and it’s short and completely perfect.

(I'm putting this one in as a bonus fic because I really like it, but it's only publicly available on the Pit of Voles, which isn't exactly user-friendly and it's only available to registered users on AO3, but I did want to rec it because I really like the idea behind it. Tomb of the Unknowns by Sophia Prester - Buffy has been resurrected, but that doesn’t mean her grave is empty and Xander visits and pays his respects to those they’ve lost...

char: willow, char: giles, form: ficlet, pairing: giles/anya, char: tara, fandom: btvs, char: xander, form: fic, pairing: xander/lindsey, form: remix, cat: btvs s6, char: buffy, fandom: ats, cat: episode-specific

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