Because Of Our Recent Discussion About The Loss Of Open On Sunday...

Oct 28, 2020 12:04

5 Drabbles from times past

In no particular order :

1. Title: Drastic

Characters: Buffy (reference to Buffy/Spike)
Pairing/Rating: PG (reference to sex)
Summary: Prompt: Cut

It had been ages since Buffy had spent this much time staring at her reflection. She was holding out hope that she would see anything there that would give her a clue as to why she’d allowed her lust to override every instinct she thought she’d had.

Sex with Spike was amazing. There was something so passionate and natural about the two of them coming together, literally tearing down walls. So why did she feel so wrong? Something compelled her to make a drastic change. She didn’t think twice before the scissors made their first cut from her long hair.

2. After Halloween, season 2

Buffy, Willow

Better Off Dead

“So what was it like being a ghost?”

“Horrible. I was there, but not there.”

Buffy made an appropriately sympathetic noise.

Willow had no idea why she had just lied. After the initial shock had worn off, it had been wonderful.

She had startled Giles. She had rescued Cordelia and Buffy. She had been the leader and had saved the day. Shy, mousy, scaredy cat Willow had died and the ghost that had risen had been the complete opposite.

Being a ghost had given her power. She was going to find some way to feel that way again.

3. Death Wish


Setting: During Chosen, BtVS season 7.
Rating: PG
For the prompt: Tale of the lover who feigned himself a thief (though the only person Spike is fooling is probably himself).

Death Wish

"Angel said the amulet was meant to be worn by a champion."

Her eyes are steady on his face as she hands it to him.

He slips the chain over his head. The amulet rests against his breastbone. It's heavier than it looks. He feels weighed down, like it's a millstone around his neck.

Bloody thing'll be the end of him, of course.

He knows it, and so, he thinks, does she.

But she carries a heavier burden every single day. At least he won't be adding to it any more.

Death or glory. Maybe it'll be both this time.

4. Title: Pickup


Prompt: Missing
Words: 100
Rating: FRT

“Excuse me. I think you are missing something? I found this wallet, is it yours, did you drop it?”
The grey haired git in the glasses was so old-school. Petey wanted to laugh at his twee pickup technique but instead he smiled knowingly. He loved gullible prey.
“Yeah, real public spirited of you, mister.” He gestured down an alley and turned when they were out of sight. “Didn’t nobody ever warn you about good looking young men, grandpa?” Petey vamped out but a wooden stake took him in the heart almost immediately.

“Didn’t anybody ever warn you about Watchers, sonny?”

5. A Minor Misunderstanding


High above Sunnydale, Doc flashed his knife and grinned at Dawn. "Hey, kid? Wanna see a trick?" Dawn, understandably, screamed.

Doc quickly pulled out a small device, checked it, and shouted to Glory's minions below, "C SHARP!"

"…What?" Dawn stared at him.

Doc held up a digital guitar tuner. "You scream in C sharp," he smiled. "That's all we needed for the chant to send Glorificus home."

"Aren't you going to bleed me?"

He frowned. "Do you want me to?"

Dawn shook her head.

"Good. We've tried to tell your sister for months, all we needed was the right key."

And a bonus item :

Title: Love At Sixteen


Character: Giles (mentions Buffy/Angel)
Rating: PG
Length: Drabble
Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine. All eblong to Joss etc
Summary: Angel's actions give Giles cause for concern.
Written for giles_shorts prompt "ring"

Love At Sixteen

Giles was concerned.

Buffy may be The Chosen One, but she was, when all was said and done, just a young girl in love.

Angel should have known better. He was over two hundred years old, he should always know better. Still he had done it, Angel had given her that bloody ring Buffy kept touching and looking at with a secret smile and soft eyes.

She was a Slayer, Angel was a vampire, it could only end in tragedy, but there was nothing he could do, no words of wisdom he could offer; for love at sixteen was stronger than reason.

char: willow, fandom: btvs, cat: humor, pairing: buffy/spike, cat: angst, char: doc, form: drabble, char: dawn, pairing: buffy/angel

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