Daughter of Top 5 Classic Recs

Oct 27, 2020 12:21

1) Illyria Writes a Poem (What country, friends, is this?) by Stultiloquentia. I'd thought this was recced here before, but I didn't find it in a search. Loved the end, see if you don't agree?

2) We Are Not Shining Stars by lls_mutant. "It was supposed to be a routine drop on Caprica, before the Cylons attacked. Now the crew of Serenity are among the survivors, but surviving isn't all that easy, especially when two of their own disappear." Cool crossover idea, told from Zoe's POV with some nice moments of Zoe/Wash.

3) Buffy Comics Covers by sentine - Humorous and amazing all in one.

4) Layers by Milly. Recasting Cabin in the Woods as a straight horror film.

5) Wall drabble by redeem147 - So nice to see Dennis remembered.

char: illyria, char: ensemble, fandom: cabin in the woods, cat: crossover, char: zoe, fandom: btvs, form: vid, pairing: zoe/wash, char: phantom dennis, pairing: buffy/spike, fandom: ats, form: drabble, form: manip, form: poetry, fandom: firefly

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