Buffyverse Top 5 Is Now Closed

Nov 05, 2019 19:17

That groaning squeak you hear is the door being closed on this 2019 session. Although you'll have to put away the pumpkins and trick or treat bags until next year, don't forget to let the creators know how much you've enjoyed the tasty goodies that have been shared.

There are also some new plans for next year!

Part of the value that Top 5 has had since its first session ended with The Community List post, is as an archive and reference point for works. However expanding to other sites creates a problem where content shared there doesn't enter the backup on Dreamwidth. At the same time, content overall has been declining despite some valiant efforts (we love you all).

So we'll be trying two things in 2020 to unify contributions while expanding our reach.

1) We won't be utilizing the Tumblr account but have opened a Twitter account, which will be active during the annual posting session.

While some people might opt to squeeze 5 recs into a tweet, chances are they'd be linking to places where their rec posts exist, and that could resolve the problem of trying to spread Top 5 to an ever increasing number of sites. Our hope is that Twitter could serve as unifying platform for a variety of spread out content.

*Note, the LJ and Dreamwidth accounts will be running as usual next year.

2) Top 5 now has an AO3 community. I've noticed that a lot of the recs, particularly for new works, are either exclusively or also available at AO3. Now AO3 wouldn't permit a site solely for recs (especially since most stuff that is recced is generally just a pointer rather than an essay on why the work was being included). But we can gather together recced content in the collection because we can also bookmark external works. That means that it can include works recced through the Twitter account but not on LJ or DW. And since AO3 is a widely used site regardless of a fan's usual platform, it's possible that many recs coming from other platforms will also be linking to items on AO3.

For those of you without AO3 or Twitter accounts these changes won't make any difference in upcoming years. For those of you who do, we might be able to rope in some additional people if you're active there. (Just to be clear though, the only way to get into the AO3 collection will be to have a work recced in a post during the October session.)

We want to remind anyone watching that the only reason membership has become moderated on our LJ account is due to spam accounts (we had one attempt membership just this past week). Actual people wanting to join and post are very welcome and they should get approval notices within 24 hours.

Also, by this time tomorrow all content posted on LJ will be backed up into the Dreamwidth account. petzipellepingo and I urge you to visit the community directly to find additional recs that got posted only on Dreamwidth as you'll find quite a few more works.

buffyversetop5 will reopen for its 2020 session on October 23 at midnight UTC (check when that is in your time zone) and run through November 3. Thank you to everyone who shared lists or stopped by to chime in about them!

admin: mod post

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