Five Stories I Always Go To When I Need To Feel Better

Oct 30, 2018 21:17

Being something of an expert on bad days lately, and wanting to contribute to this fabulous community, I decided I would share five stories I always go back and read when I am feeling down. Now those of you who know me don't need the following explanation, but for those who don't... no, these stories will not all be schmoopy fluff. I'm not known as the Queen of Angst for nothing and sometimes what makes me feel better is really, really angsty or even dark!fic. Read on... if you dare:

1) Red Frame, White Light by sparrow2000: Dark, creepy, and so exquisitely-crafted that it's like a blood red diamond. What is it about? Xander's visit to a 7-11 is anything but a well-lit fest of overpriced snack food. Other than that, all you need to know is that Sparrow does that voodoo that she do so well.

2) Twitch by Spuzz: OMG is this as evil and dark and disturbing as all get out. Spander without any sort of schmoop. It's twisted and painful and heart-wrenching and... glorious. I've read it over and over again and still shudder. Wow.

3) A Brief Courtship + Less and More Than Friends by lilbreck: Angsty, opaque, and exquisite Willow/Angel(us) by a writer of real originality and vision. I love her work and since this series was written for me, I always enjoy revisiting it. Trust me, you'll love it too. It's brilliant.

4) Hide 'n Seek by angelskuuipo: My favorite drabble. Absolutely. It's Willow and Angel and it's all about what happens when you make someone's dreams come true and... no, this one's not schmoopy either. Oh no indeed. How great is it? I wish I'd written it.

5) First Time for Everything by snowpuppies: Surprise! This is actual fluffy, comedic FUN featuring everyone's favorite ex-demon, Anya, realizing that she's never had sex with a woman and deciding she needs to do something about that. Now. This is a fabulously-written, adorable, side-splitting, and surprisingly tender little tale. Don't miss it!

form: ficlet, cat: darkfic, fandom: btvs, pairing: xander/spike, char: xander, char: anya, pairing: willow/angel, cat: femslash, cat: gen

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