5 Favorite B/A Fics From The Last Year

Oct 27, 2018 11:57

There aren't a lot of people still writing and reading Buffy/Angel fic these days, but the ones still active are very dear to my heart. Here are five of my favorites from the last 12 months:

Would They Go On Aching Still by fluffernutter8: A beautifully written take on Buffy's post-resurrection depression in an AU where Angel stayed human in I Will Remember You.

Of all the gin joints by Mrs Gordo: A perfect blend of (karaoke!) humor and angst, set in S5/S2.

Escape Velocity by headupheelsdown: A bittersweet post-"The Gift" story that brought tears to my eyes.

Turnabout by Taaroko: A sweet and funny bit of Season 1 fluff that fits right into canon.

The Future Belongs by fluffernutter8: An AU post-Judgment that wonderfully fleshes out a one-off character and perfectly depicts Buffy and Angel's tentative post-breakup relationship.

form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, cat: ats s2, form: fic, cat: btvs s6, fandom: ats, cat: angst, cat: episode-specific, pairing: buffy/angel

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