5 fics from 2017 with nothing in common

Dec 31, 2017 17:37

I’ll finish my spamming with five fics that have nothing in common apart from the fact I thought they were great and they were written in 2017.

A new ficlet by baudown is always a pleasure because I love her elegant use of language and the way she can paint such a detailed portrait in such a short time. Trapped is a prime example - it’s Xander contemplating the contradictions of his vampire, beause no one can do contrary quite like Spike.

It was lovely to see velvetwhip back in fandom, however briefly. In A Ghost of Meaning Tara visits Spike the night he goes after Buffy. This is subtle and delicate and I like it very much.

In beergoodfoamy’s The Bottom of the Garden, Willow returns to the Devon coven after the fall of Sunnydale. I really like Willow’s growing self-awareness in this fic

I just recently came across this piece of post-Chosen Xander, Dawn sweetness. In Cape is Good by distortren, Dawn gives Xander a birthday present.

Last, but definitely not least is Dreadful Duty (The Second Impressions Remix) by deird1. This is a lovely kind of crossover between BTVS and Pride and Prejudice. George Wickham discovers that he is a watcher. I love the tone of this fic, it captures just the right Austen mood.

cat: remix, cat: crossover, form: ficlet, pairing: willow/kennedy, char: tara, fandom: btvs, cat: preseries, pairing: xander/spike, char: spike, cat: episode-specific, cat: gen, pairing: xander/dawn

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