5 things I didn't expect in 2005--and loved.

Jan 11, 2006 17:52

5 things that I enjoy and hope you might as well. Take a peek.

1. girlpire's Broken Angelus/Fred here NC 17 dark!fic. Of course Fred never got over Angel. Why I like it? Fred has dark desires. Yay!

2. kats_meow techically this fic only just debuted to the rest of the world, but it had been in beta over 2005, so I'm gonna call it the story I read and loved and couldn't rec anywhere since it was hidden away. Fred/Spike/Angel NC 17 Binding Ties Parts 1 and 2

3. girlpire I enjoy her manips. She does a lot of different characters like Tara, Angel and so on, so its always fun to see what she might have up. Some are spicy, so open with care. here

4. My favorite award site for 2005 has to be the Fade to Black awards for dark!fic and art. I just like to read the authors that are featured there, and it's a friendly, easy-going site which if you are nominating someone, you find a pleasant experience. They only take the dark stuff, but if it is a tad lighter and Spike-centered, there is the sister site, Love's Bitch Awards. Fade to Black Awards here

5. The lj community _xangel for readers of Angel/Xander stories. Why I like it? A great place to keep up with the stories of this pairing, which I never expected I'd like so much.

form: photo manip, form: awards, pairing: angel/fred, cat: darkfic, form: community, pairing: spike/fred, pairing: xander/angel

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