5 Summer of Giles Drabbles I loved in 2017

Dec 31, 2017 17:15

Sticks head above the parapet...I'm not around much the next couple of weeks, so I'm going to front-load my entries, so apologies for the spamming.

A lot of my reading this year came from summer_of_giles. One of the days was an open call for drabbles, using the last line of the last drabble as the first line of the next drabble challenge. They were all great fun, but here are five that really caught my eye.

Home Invasion by il_mio_capitano - Ethan thinks he’s going to surprise Giles, but gets a surprise of his own

Anticipation by feliciacraft hurts my heart.

Also by feliciacraft, but of a much lighter variety is Customer Service. This is Giles, Anya and a chainsaw - fun times.

Routine by littleotter73 finds Buffy on patrol - but where is Giles?

And we’re back to Giles and Spike and some domestic logistics in Housing Issues by gilescandy

Thanks to yourlibrarian and petzipellepingo for keeping this terrific community going every year.

char: anya, char: ethan, char: giles, char: buffy, fandom: btvs, form: drabble, char: spike

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