5 classic fics without a Xander in sight!

Oct 29, 2017 10:55

Last year in the classic recs season I challenged myself to rec some non-Xander related fics, since it’s well known where my fic preferences lie. Here’s what I came up this year for the same self-challenge.

If you want a demonstration of how to create humour in the midst of angst and keep it to 100 words, then look no further than Substitute by speakr2customrs and beer_good_foamy. Dawn’s up on Glory’s tower, so I really shouldn’t be giggling - right...

Long Time Passing by aadler is a portrait of Riley Finn that paints him as a rounded three-dimensional character that you so rarely see in fic.He really feels like a person in this story - his feelings, motivations, emotions and self awareness are incredibly well drawn and make him feel so tangible and have such depth (I”m quoting my own original review here, because reading it again, that’s what still really strikes me.) Oh and he has a thing for 19th century poets which is a lovely, unexpected detail. This story is a remix of velvetwhip’s Civilian, which details an encounter between Willow and Riley. It is equally excellent.

Talking of velvetwhip, firstly, I’d like to say that it is lovely to have her back in fandom after her time away. Her enthusiastic voice has been much missed. As far as a classic rec is concerned, I’m looking at In Days of Auld Lang Syne. I first read this as part of an assignment at the feedbackathon a few years back. One of the joys about those was reading things that really were not in my wheelhouse, and I can say quite honestly that Willow/Angel falls squarely in that category. Having said that, Gabrielle makes this portrait of an older mature Willow contemplating the future and a world-weary Angel who has realised the folly of self-denial, compelling and intriguing and I totally believed in the pairing of these two in this really interesting characterisation. Really elegantly done.

The Dead Girls of London by shapinglight is another fic that demonstrates that you don’t have to write an epic to tell a huge story. If you ever wondered where Spike went after Africa before he turned up in the Sunndydale High School basement, then this fic has the answer. It’s short, sharp and oh so pointy.

I defy you to read Sad That You Can’t Hear by dragonyphoenix and not sniff, just a little. Giles is at Jenny’s graveside, flowers in his hand and regret and sorrow in his heart. This is lovely, little jewel of a fic.

That's it for now, more coming later today

char: willow, cat: remix, char: giles, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, char: riley finn, pairing: willow/angel, form: drabble, char: spike, char: hank summers

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