Five classic fics that make me shiver

Oct 28, 2017 10:12

I love buffyversetop5 classic recs. It's a great time to rootle around in the vault and rediscover fics that got me hooked on fandom way, way back in the day. As we're coming up to Halloween, here are five fics that make me shiver.

Three Ring by brutti_ma_buoni finds Xander and Willow on a school trip to a less than normal circus. There aren’t any clowns in this fic, but if there were, I’m damn sure they’d be scary. This story always makes me want to go back and read Something Wicked This Way Comes. This is Gen.

Good Man by huzzlewhat is one of the saddest and most horrific fics I’ve ever read. As the author herself describes it - Xander goes on clean up duty. Shiver. Also Gen.

I read The Highwayman by C.C. very early on in my fic-reading career. I reread it for the first time since then, just a couple of months back and it still holds up. Spike, Xander and a lovely dream-like interpretation of the classic poem. Since it’s S/X it must be slash, but it’s not really if slash isn’t your thing.

Sleeper by booster17 is one of those stories that I really wish I’d written. Xander is large and in charge at Wolfram and Hart and Faith decides where her priorities lie. I love the premise of this story and the repetition of particular lines are a bell in the brain that make me shiver. This is het, but that’s not the point of the story. (As an embarrassing aside, when I met booster for the first time at writerconuk a few years back, I had a complete fan girl moment meeting the writer of this story...)

Slow by Beneresq is an old school shiver as Xander realises that friendship and love are no defence against the pursuit of power, especially when the one doing the pursuing is your best friend. But then again, he always was a little slow… This is Gen.

That was fun in a 'I'm now going to hide under the bed', kind of a way. More classic recs to come *g*

char: willow, cat: crossover, form: ficlet, cat: darkfic, fandom: btvs, pairing: xander/spike, char: xander, form: fic, cat: btvs s6, char: faith, cat: gen

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