Top 5 Icons

Jan 11, 2017 10:51

Who ever gets tired of icons, or amazed that we can still find new and interesting takes on images that have become very familiar over the years? Well, here are some that definitely caught my attention.

Buffy #10 by longerthanwedo. I liked the psychedelic, cosmic look of this icon. Also #14 of Willow and Tara looks particularly dreamy.

Giggly Buffy by gabby227. The icon in the Cat 2 slot is one of those rarer pics where Buffy seems to be letting loose.

Fred #9 by shameless666. I liked the way Fred looked so mischievous in this icon!

Buffy, Faith and Gunn by sweet lyri. Honestly, I couldn't choose in this set. I liked having this color palette for Gunn, which is not very typical, and I also liked the cropping in the Xander icon. But what I thought would make a great animated gif was a pairing of icon #1 of Buffy and #15 of Faith. They really go together!

Zodiac Icons by double_dutchess. Taurus is so adorable!

char: gunn, fandom: btvs, char: fred, char: buffy, char: faith, fandom: ats, pairing: willow/tara, form: icons

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