Five 2016 ficlets that tell a big story

Jan 07, 2017 12:38

I’ve said many times before, but it bears repeating that I love baudown’s ability to tell a big story so economically. What Gives is a series of drabbles in which Xander tends to Spike’s injuries and Spike allows himself to be tended to.

And tabaqui gave us some old school Spander hotness in Sense Memory. Xander’s in the hardware store shopping for gloves - now what could be hot about that… wibble…

It’s great when someone looks at a canon scene through the other end of the telescope. That’s what velvetwhip does with Strength/Weakness. before the battle with the First, Spike watches Buffy and Angel kiss. Beautiful, original twist on the familiar.

procrastinatingbookworm plays around with poetic form in he realizes. Giles ruminates on his responsibilities as a Watcher. I love how elegantly the emotion of this is delivered in so few words.

Finally brutti_ma_buoni serves up a little Faith/Willow in Opening. I really like the contrast been the physical descriptions and what’s going on in each of their heads.

cat: btvs s7, cat: bdsm, char: giles, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, pairing: xander/spike, cat: femslash, form: drabble, char: spike, pairing: willow/faith

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