summer_of_giles is one of my favourite communities, so here are five things that caught my eye this year. I should give a disclaimer that I’m way behind with the entries, so I’m sure there is a pile of other stuff I could have recced that I just haven’t got to as yet.
It’s always illuminating to see the Buffy ‘verse through external eyes, and in
The English Patient: Seven Times Giles Visited the Hospital(and One Time He Didn’t) we see Giles across the seven seasons through the eyes of a resident physician at Sunnydale Hospital. This is good stuff.
Now for a vid -
In the Depth of Night by
gilescandy is Giles/Willow with our Watcher no longer in Sunnydale, but remembering his feelings for a young girl he left behind. This has a lovely yearning, melancholy feeling, which hits just the right note for this ship.
As someone without a visually artistic bone in my body, I really admire artists who can capture the essence of a character is an image. That’s what
nmcil12 does with this banner -
Sorry to Barge In. To me, the combination of the art and the words is perfect illustration of everything that makes me love Giles as a character.
Back to fic and
The Marcellus Variation by
ljs is Giles/Anya, in which Xander and Anya have broken up, Giles and Anya are in the Magic Box and Xander decides to do a spell about soulmates. I can’t put my finger on why this fic works for me so well, it just does, and Giles/Anya make such a perfect couple.
double_dutchess gave us the sublime combination of Monty Python and Giles at his troubled, glasses-removing, forehead-rubbing best. It’s a vid that is cunningly called
Giles is Worried and it makes me smile every time I watch it.
Maybe by the time classic recs comes around in October I’ll have caught up with the rest of 2016 SoG and can rec some of them, then...