5 dramatic/angsty fics that made me go wow in 2016

Jan 02, 2017 12:33

I did my list of comedy fics that made me giggle in 2016, so here now is a list of five pretty angsty dramatic fics that made me go wow, I wish I’d written that.

First up is aadler’s There Ought to be Clowns (The Lying Eyes Remix). Buffy makes Xander a ‘no strings’ offer and Xander accepts. Funny how it becomes impossible to say what you really want once you’ve got what you asked for. I really loved the complicated Buffy characterisation in this story - it’s the road not taken, but feels very true to her character. And the use of repetition is an especially effective bell in her brain. Really good stuff.

beer_good_foamy’s It Raineth on the Just was written for this year’s spook_me ficathon and it delivers in the best way possible. Giles is trying to settle back into London, but it’s grey and rainy and isolating. And he might just be being followed. The gradual creeping atmosphere in this fic is beautifully done.

And from brutti_ma_buoni we have Watcher. Buffy’s back from the dead and Spike watches. This one just kills me.

shapinglight offers up some post-apocalypse angst in Raison d’Etre. Do you have to keep promises made on the eve of battle? This is Spike/Buffy and as always with Deb’s writing, it’s beautifully executed.

And the apocalyptic angst continues in Delirium by inveigler81. Spike and Xander on the road to nowhere, clinging to each other because there is no one else left.

And as aside, can I just second yourlibrarian’s rec for lyrstzha’s Memorial. It would definitely have been on this list if it hadn’t already been highlighted.

That's it for now.

cat: remix, char: giles, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, pairing: xander/spike, pairing: buffy/xander, cat: post-apocalyptic, cat: btvs s6, cat: postseries, char: faith, pairing: buffy/spike, cat: btvs s3, cat: episode-specific

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