Five Ficlets That Made Me Giggle in 2016

Jan 01, 2017 12:12

God knows we needed to get our laughs where we could last year, so here are five ficlets from 2016 that made me giggle

To kick off, try a perfect Giles, Spike drabble from il_mio_capitano. Spike might just be a little bit obsessed with Buffy. No wonder Giles needs Something Stronger.

I love in fandom that while obsessed Spike can often be a fertile ground for high drama, he also can be very funny, and here’s another example. feliciacraft hit a home run with Blooming Obsession.

Some fandoms are just confusing with their multiple iterations and incarnations. In Who’s On First by redsrule1, the Scoobies try a little Sherlock cosplay. It should be simple, right…

In Re-Focus by brutti_ma_buoni, Anya turns her attentions to Willow rather than Xander. She’s civic minded like that. *g*

And finally, as an antidote to the endless election run-up, St_Salieri wrote Mantids Are People Too, in which Willow sleeps, Andrew casts spells, Dawn explains, Xander eats popcorn and Buffy gets confused.

Let the chuckling commence.

char: ensemble, cat: crossover, char: giles, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, cat: humor, pairing: willow/anya, cat: femslash, form: drabble, char: spike, cat: gen

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