And another spangel rec list, this time it's comedy/fluff. Because one list was clearly not enough.
This Is It by Foxinator (
foxstarreh). Spike and Angel move on. Maybe. Kinda. PG-13.
Opening Up by
hello_spikey. Spike and Angel meeting in AU, where that sensitivity spell (cast on Angel in 1.06 "Sense and Sensitivity") didn't wear off. PG-13.
Reading Between the Lines by
ash_carpenter Reading between the lines: Why disagreements occur. A study of misinterpretation between vampire Champions, conducted by Winifred Burkle, Head of Science Division, Wolfram & Hart. PG-13.
The Truce by Glassdarkly (
shapinglight). It's Christmas - a time for giving, and for old enemies (or should that be frenemies?) to bury the hatchet. Temporarily, at least. Set during AtS season 5, another of those 'that one time' fics, or possibly the start of an AU with lots of Spangelly cuddling. NC-17.
Vampily Every After by Meltha (
bookishwench) (or here is
AO3 link). You are cordially invited to the wedding of William T. Bloody and Angel(us). You knew it had to happen eventually. PG-13.