Five stories about minor characters

Oct 30, 2016 14:36

And another list based on the request by red_satin_doll - five stories about voiceless victims.

An Unexpected Afterlife by settiai. Tara was surprised to discover that being dead wasn't really that different from being alive. And even thoug story is from Tara's POV, she is not speaking just for herself. Tara/Cassie Newton, G.

No Words by deird1 (or AO3 link). Chao-Ahn couldn’t understand a word that anyone was saying. It seemed to help. (And even she is not technically a victim, she is surely voiceless and lost.)

Amanda by erimthar (or AO3 link). What if Dawnd and Amanda had something, just before the final battle in "Chosen". What exactly? “…I’ll tell you tomorrow. After the fight.” Dawn/Amanda, PG-13.

Bough by mimesere. Story of Bethany Chaulk from Angel episode "Untouched". Note all the warning in the AO3 header, her backstory wasn't a pretty one...

Being a Vampire Sucks by Glassdarkly (shapinglight); or here is AO3 link. A series of drabbles about minor vampire characters - Sheila, Dalton, Sandy, Brad Connick and Holden Webster.

form: ficlet, char: tara, fandom: btvs, form: series, char: vampires, char: slayers, cat: femslash, char: one shot, fandom: ats, form: drabble, char: dawn

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