Five Spike slash vids

Oct 29, 2016 17:52

Superstar by spuffyisthenewbangel. Oz/Spike constructed reality vid with some very nice voice montages. Warning for flickering overlay.

Your Woman by charmax (or here is LJ post with the download link). The remastered version of classin Angel/Spike vid, made in 2003.

Don't Cha by giandujakiss (or alternat LJ link). Another Angel/Spike classic. Can I just say "THAT circling motion around 0:36!" If you watched it, you know what I mean.

I Hate You by double_dutchess (or LJ post, if you prefer). A bit newer Angel/Spike vid, which I'm sure already constitutes as classic. Lighthearted take on that love/hate mess that is spangel.

Landfill by polly1esther (here is alternate LJ link). Sensual and angsty Giles/Spike vid. I think I've already recced it in this comm couple of years ago, but it's surely worth repeat reccing.

pairing: spike/oz, fandom: ats, fandom: btvs, cat: ship vid, pairing: giles/spike, form: vid, pairing: angel/spike

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