Foxstarreh/TheFoxinator Fics that Stuck With Me in 2015

Jan 05, 2016 12:38

foxstarreh is one of my favorite all-around authors.  In no particular order:

HUNGER (Buffy & Spike, PG) A short, dark, creepy AU set in early S6.

THE WRONG PART (Tara, PG)  Another horrifyingly dark AU, terrifying in its simplicity.  Set in late S6.

SOME FARAWAY NEW PLACES (Buffy, Willow, Dawn, PG13)  Buffy has to write a university admissions essay based on a literary character she relates to.  Willow and Dawn try to help, but it's hard going.  Set mid-S3.

IN HER PLACE (Ensemble, PG)  An alternate take on what really happend in OMWF.  This is my new headcanon, and makes much more sense to me in terms of Xander's character.

VAMPIRE ROBOTS (Spike, Angel, Willow, PG)  Written just for me - how could I not love it?  If you love Spangel snarkage, you will too.  :)  Set in S10 or later.  Spoilers for S8 and mild spoilers for S10 (no real comic knowledge necessary).

char: willow, char: ensemble, form: ficlet, char: tara, fandom: btvs, char: xander, cat: comics-related, char: buffy, char: angel, char: dawn, char: spike

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