Some favorite angsty shortfic of 2015

Jan 04, 2016 04:46

Some of my favorite angsty shortfic of the year, arranged from shortest to longest.

Wrong Number by TheFoxinator aka foxstarreh (Harmony's POV, but it's all about Cordelia, G). The day after Cordelia's death, Harmony and Angel struggle to make sure all of her friends know.

Déjà Without a View (the à la recherche du temps perdu remix) by Gabrielle aka velvetwhip (Willow/Riley, PG-13). The Key is the world and the world must contain the Key. Hopes and dreams and even love? They're just collateral damage.
It's the most heartbreaking story dealing with Dawn-inserting memory spell that I've ever read.

Too Much Too Late by AliceInKinkland (Buffy/Faith, NC-17). What if Buffy had turned herself in for (supposedly) killing Katrina in Dead Things?
Angsty prison sex as an instrument of character study, brilliantly done.

The Collector by sparrow2000 (Xander, Willow, PG). Xander’s found his place in the world, but that doesn’t stop his best friend worrying.
This story is all about the mood, sparrow2000 does such a masterful work unfolding it. Also, it's about strange serenity.

Lies My Lover Told Me by shapinglight aka Glassdarkly (Giles/Olivia, PG-13). A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
Giles and Olivia meet post-Chosen, and it's not just a nice ex-lovers' chat. Life doesn't stop when you are out of Sunnydale, right?

form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, cat: postseries, cat: femslash, pairing: giles/olivia, fandom: ats, char: cordelia, char: harmony, cat: angst, pairing: willow/riley, cat: canon au, cat: episode-specific, cat: gen, pairing: buffy/faith

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