Some favorite Buffy-centric shortfic of 2015

Jan 02, 2016 22:02

Or, it's "Buffy-centric angsty shortfic", to be more specific. Stories arranged from longest to shortest.

Third Wheel by shapinglight aka Glassdarkly (Angel/Buffy & Darla, PG-13). Set during 'Surprise', this is a slightly AU BtVS season 2, in which Ethan Rayne's costume spell in Halloween had rather different consequences.
I'm a sucker for relationship studies where main focus is not romance per se but Buffy's development, and this one absolutely nails it.

Red turns into green turning into yellow by lynzie914 aka lionheartedgirl (Buffy-centric, PG). Set very early S6, my look into how Buffy was adjusting to life again, the little things, and her dealing with her depression and the expectations of the world around her.

Come Out Come Out Wherever You Are by spuffy-luvr (Buffy-centric, PG). S6, following "Gone", Buffy tries to recapture a moment from her past.

Show You The World by AliceInKinkland (Buffy & Dawn, G). It turns out feeling better is a bit more complicated than looking at your sister one morning and realising you want to show her the world. It also turns out that telling your sister you want to show her the world leads, in Dawn’s mind at least, to Sister Bonding Via Road Trip.

A Rare Find by feliciacraft (Buffy/Spike, PG). Few month after the events of "Chosen" Buffy finds the time to deal. Or probably time finds her, much to Buffy's dismay.

char: darla, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, cat: btvs s2, cat: btvs s6, cat: postseries, char: buffy, pairing: buffy/spike, char: dawn, cat: episode-specific, cat: gen, pairing: buffy/angel

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