Top 5 Ways Avengers: Age of Ultron Might Have Gone

Nov 01, 2015 17:20

1) A Fine Spur by lettered. The first of a series of Bruce POV Avengers stories, well before Ultron's Bruce and Natasha storyline and wayyy better.

2) The Son of Man by copperbadge. Jarvis is one of my favorite characters in the Avengers verse so I have a soft spot for stories focusing on him. A different look at how he might react to becoming corporeal.

3) love is for children and other lies by Fahye. I was excited about the dream sequences in Ultron because I had already read this story and was hoping we'd get a little more on Natasha's background. I think some might enjoy this version more.

4) Refrain by Liannabob. Tony definitely had issues after Iron Man 3 regarding world security, but he also may have had them about how his team wasn't there for him.

5) A Villain State of Mind by Mikkeneko. What if SHIELD hadn't just given Loki up for a return trip to Asgard after the Battle of New York? But he was definitely going to need special handling, and Nick Fury might know just the right person for the job. Gen.

cat: crossover, pairing: maria hill/natasha romanov, pairing: clint barton/natasha romanov, pairing: bruce/natasha, cat: preseries, form: fic, form: epic, form: longfic, cat: femslash, char: natasha romanov, fandom: avengers, char: jarvis

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