Top 5 Icons - the Baddies

Jan 04, 2006 22:10

(1) Wee Little Fear Demon - by blueyedangld21 - All - Too funny.

(2) Mystery Girl - by killprettyx - All - This has to be one of the few icons I’ve ever seen of Eve and it was a nice job at that.

(3) Vanity - by __aplysia - All - I thought the lighting on this was gorgeous.

(4) Can’t Hide the Rot - by binka_boo - All - Interesting animated icon and a good character statement too.

(5) Grr Arrgh - by bittersweet_art - All - Okay April was more pathetic than a baddie but this icon was so cute!

char: eve, char: one shot, char: glory, char: snyder, form: icons, char: knox

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