Five Bittersweet Spike Fics

Oct 29, 2015 19:03

I often gravitate towards hurt/comfort fics which in turn often gravitate towards pain, angst, and bittersweetness.
I have a lot of fics that I'd like to recommend but had to find five examples only. Hope you will enjoy them as much as I did. Note that I had accidentally posted a fic by TheSigyn which was a Harmony/Spike fic but that ones is actually too new to be a classic. My bad.

Moments by Thornwild
A fantastic bittersweet short series of Spuffy fiction. All 17 parts are among some of the best Spuffy fiction I've read. So heartbreaking, so hot, so sad, so insightful. So right!

"The Scariest Thing There Is" by TheFoxinator
Sad/bittersweet Spangel post Shells in Angel the Series

"Closer Now and Further Still" by TheFoxinator
One of the best Spuffel one-shots I've ever read. Again, bittersweet but very lovely.

"Low Tide" by herself_nyc
Bitter more than sweet Spander.

"Awakenings" by _Beetle_
A bittersweet Spander fic 7 years post NFA - 12 chapters. Amnesia.

form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, pairing: xander/spike, pairing: angel/spike, cat: postseries, pairing: buffy/spike, pairing: harmony/spike, fandom: ats, cat: ats s5, cat: hurt/comfort

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