Five favorite parody fics

Oct 28, 2015 16:02

Five of my favorite parody fics, arranged from shortest to longest.

Spike's Fury by coalitiongirl. Buffy, Angel, Spike, PG-13. The alternate ending of season 8 comics. Much better than canon one.

There are more! )

char: original character, char: ensemble, form: ficlet, char: mr. gordo, fandom: btvs, cat: humor, char: xander, cat: rpf, cat: comics-related, pairing: angel/spike, char: buffy, fandom: ats, form: drabble, cat: gen, cat: btvs s5

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Comments 14

sparrow2000 October 28 2015, 14:50:53 UTC
Oh thank you, more lovely reading. The only one I'm familiar with is The Many Lifes of Xander Harris and it's years since I read that. Rubs hands happily! *g*


rbfvid October 29 2015, 09:10:26 UTC
Hope you like them!


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rbfvid October 29 2015, 09:11:06 UTC
Mr.Gordo fics alone could fill that category nicely =)


petzipellepingo October 28 2015, 16:22:18 UTC
Parodies are always enjoyable. Thanks for posting.


rbfvid October 29 2015, 09:11:17 UTC


yourlibrarian October 28 2015, 16:59:07 UTC
Hee, I think that drabble was my favorite :D


rbfvid October 29 2015, 09:12:37 UTC
It would improve S8 a little)


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rbfvid October 29 2015, 09:13:30 UTC
Oh, you gave me a new headcanon. I totally see Angelus doing that during long S2 days...


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