Classic Xander/Oz

Oct 28, 2015 10:29

Recently I’ve been tracking down some favourite old Xander/Oz fics that somehow had slipped through the cracks of my bookmarks. I was really happy to revisit all of these

First up it's Kate Bolin’s wonderful The Curve of Your Lips Rewrites History. Post Graduation, Xander runs across Oz at a truckstop and offers him a ride. This Xander is emotionally all over the place and Oz is as serene as a werewolf can be. The scene by the lake and the aftermath will kill you every time you read it. Bloody gorgeous but not worksafe.

My Little Aways by Morphea. Years after Sunnydale, Xander is a successful newspaper columnist in New York, who visits Oz whenever life in the Big Apple becomes too much. This is the most amazing stream of consciousness of Xander’s thoughts and the imagery will just blow you away. This is one to read and reread and always find something new. Worksafe.

Watch and Wonder by the wonderful tabaqui is post Lovers Walk. Xander is confused and seeks out Oz to get some closure. Oz is a green-haired buddha sitting in the back of his van with a joint. One of them watches and the other one wonders. Like all tabaqui’s stories, the imagery is so vivid and lush I feel like I’m sitting in the van with them getting very, very mellow. Worksafe (unless you think a little pot and boy kissing isn't...)

Kingdom Come by Doyle is one of those beautifully understated fics that has you smiling along with it, and then it kicks you in the metaphorical balls. This is the Jasmine ‘verse and Oz turns a corner, not in Istanbul, but in Times Square and runs into Willow and Xander. It’s really beautifully done. Worksafe.

Lime Crush Has No Inherent Meaning by The Spike is just hot. Oz and Xander naked on a beach - just add belly chains, pink lipstick and cocoa butter. Like I say, hot and definitely not worksafe.

cat: pwp, char: willow, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, cat: btvs s3, cat: postseries, cat: canon au, pairing: xander/oz

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