5 of my Favorite Icontest Awards Banners for Slayerstillness this year (and 1 bonus)

Jan 19, 2015 23:08

Five banners that are works of art in their own right (by other talented fan artists) in no particular order. The banners shown here are ones I admired and have influenced me as an artist whether or not I participated in the individual challenges. Check out the banners AND the winning icons that adorn them at the links below:

[This way to the rec list]By comlodge:

Challenge 22 "A Room Full of Empty" (April)

Challenge 26 "The Same...but Different" (July)

Challenge 36 "Ye Olde Vampyre Gang" (December)

Janice's banners are very specific to the individual challenge themes and have a particular theatrical quality to them, a mise en scene suggestive of stage sets. Challenge 22 is moody and atmospheric; 26 and 36's banners are lush, densely layered, evocative of Victorian drawing rooms and vintage photographs gently fading in an attic trunk. I love her fearless use of textures to "degrade" the images in beautiful ways.

By tempertemper:

Challenge 32 "It Takes Two to Tango" (October)

Challenge 35 "Least Favorite Eps" (November)

Challenge 32's banners are typical of what I think of when I think of Temper's "style" (also typified by her own first place winning icon): warm, soft and inviting glow, muted color palatte. #35's are entirely different; each banner is carefully and precisely coordinanted to the individual icons in terms of colors, and textures so that they seem to be organic extensions of the icons themselves. Manage to be both eye-popping and understated at the same time. The banner for rua1412's first place winner is particularly stunning.

Bonus by starry_night

Challenge 23 "Simplicity, It Works for Me" (May)

I am color-matching's bitch. No apologies. Deal with it, kids. The background starry chose resembles a watercolor painting in the rain, soaking the paper. "Pastels" are difficult to pull off without being too-sweet but these hit the spot, matched to their respective icons; while a subtle mix of fonts keeps things interesting without pulling focus..

char: ensemble, char: darla, form: community, fandom: btvs, form: banner, char: puppet angel, form: awards, fandom: ats, pairing: willow/tara, char: angel

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