Five Stupendous Fag Ends Ficlets from Spuffy Luvr

Jan 16, 2015 12:10

Five more memorable ficlets from the sb_fag_ends Edgar Allen Poe titles Halloween challenge, this time all written by spuffy_luvr, each one of them, like in my previous post, beautifully, imaginatively written.

Don't you love it when fic writers make you see familiar things in a new light?


The Soul of the Plot. Spike's POV in Beneath You. PG. 400 words. For the prompt: Ligeia (by way of The Conqueror Worm).

Adamantine. Xander's POV, season 5/6 hiatus. PG. 370 words. For the prompt: Fanny.

Clanging, Jangling, Wrangling. Post season 5 AU. PG. 750 words. For the prompt: The Bells.

The Other. Spike, early season 7. PG. 160 words. For the prompt: William Wilson.

Portent of-. Spike, post season 5. PG-13 (for language). 255 words. For the prompt: The Raven. (Still can't believe I'm the only person to comment on this ficlet).

Again, it was very hard just to pick five.

cat: btvs s7, form: ficlet, pairing: buffy/spike, fandom: btvs, char: xander, cat: episode-specific

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