Five fics that made me go *BWAH!*

Jan 06, 2015 01:49

Dead Girls' Party by Erimthar (Post-series - Tara, Cordelia, Anya)
In the Buffyverse, being dead doesn't mean you don't have important work to do. Ever wonder why vampires don't simply kill Slayers in their sleep? This is why.

Five Calls to UTS (Undead Tech Support) by xlivvielockex (Angel + other various undead bitey ones)
The modern world is confusing to those who still remember writing angsty poetry by candlelight.

Eat Or Be Eaten by SaraidGlas (Willow/Tara)
You know, the word "genius" gets tossed around way too liberally. It should be reserved for things like this: A BtVS/Pac-Man crossover. That works.

The Revelatory Power of the Feminist Revolution is Obvious, Right? by dragonyphoenix
Because, really, any BtVS/I Dream of Jeannie crossover is going to come to a screeching halt the second Willow finds out what Jeannie calls her boyfriend.

Personal Growth by brutti_ma_buoni (Cordelia/Willow)
Because I love how pragmatic Cordelia gets the second she realises there's been a body swap.

char: willow, cat: crossover, form: ficlet, char: tara, fandom: btvs, cat: humor, char: anya, pairing: willow/cordelia, cat: postseries, cat: femslash, char: cordelia, pairing: willow/tara, char: angel

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