Okay, here I am too! I wish to thank everyone who recommended other fics, especially the Spangel ones. I know some of them, since I did some time lurking the English fandom but saying nothing (Because I didn't know how to write), but it's really nice to discover other classics. It makes me feel part of the group.
So, my list: 5 fics with Spike as major character I love so much (There are too many Spike-centric fics in this fandom that I love and it's hard to pick just 5)
Beggars would Ride by
wiseacress This is one of the first Spike/Angel fics I've ever read. It's painful, dark and gorgeously written. I love the dynamic between Angel and Spike and how they hurt each others. I'm a sucker for Spangel h/c.
19 Hours by Annie Sewell-Jennings. First English Spuffy fic. Just glorious. It's a post Chosen fic, it's Spike/Buffy-centric and there is a lot of glorious happy sex involved. If you love Spike and Buffy together you have to read this.
To Come Home To by
snickfic Recently discovered and it's a series. Again with the Spuffy post-Chosen kinda happy place. This one is also about mpreg and believe me when I say that it's the greatest thing ever.
Stick Shift by
stultiloquentia Spike. Buffy. Pegging. Hot. If you like hot Spuffy porn this is the thing for you.
A Raising in the Sun by
rahirah I guess that everybody knows this one. It's actually my favorite part of the saga. I love it because it really feels S6-like and it's all Spike's POV and it's excellent.