Five stories that are not Spike/Angel

Nov 02, 2014 21:38

Running on Empty: by Cas -Spike/Dean - Dean is a broken man who is plagued not only by memories of the horrific things he's done, but also by lingering dark needs that he can't control. For him, there is no hope, until he meets the vampire Spike under circumstances that could finish them both.

The Other Bloody Ring: by Mabel Marsters - since I seem to be doing crossovers, here is a Spike/Damon story. Sorter and fluffier than the rest, it is definitely worth reading. Thwarted in his efforts to hold on to the Gem of Amara, Spike opts to go visit with an old friend, leading to some unsettling discoveries. The slash is not explicit, but it makes you wish the story had gone on longer!

Pity Us We Wakeful- Angel/Willow/Spike from Velvetwhip (Gabrielle) I believe that this is the one story in all of fandom that had the greatest affect on me. Bleak, tragic and beautifully written, it’s about the compromises we make, and how painful they can be. It’s greatest impact is that nothing really bad happens - no tragic event - it all takes place in choices people make and the half-life they live because of them.

A Sire’s Family - The first story of a trilogy. While this is definitely Spike/Angel, there is so much more going on in this wonderful AU. Angel calls his family to him very early in the series because Giles asks him to. Then this story takes a wonderful turn into a excellent created universe. featuring all of Angel's childer.

The Blind Man and a Fool to Lead Him by Cave Canem - Spike & Wesley - Post NFA. Spike is charged with taking Wesley to England, beneath the radar of the Senior partners. Brought back by Illyria, Wesley is permanently damaged by a complete inability to read. This story is funny, sad, and at times profound.

cat: crossover, fandom: btvs, char: vampires, cat: btvs s1, pairing: angel/spike, cat: postseries, fandom: ats, char: wesley, char: spike, pairing: threesome fmm, cat: slash

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