Some of my favorite AU fanvids.
Cut by
spikesredqueen - (Faith, Willow; R for drug use and blood). Dark all-human AU where Faith and Willow experienced pretty much the same things as in 'Buffy' canon. But in all-human 'verse it's even more painful.
The Buffy Odd Couples - Accidentally In Love by
humblequill. Fluffy crack!vid about some unusual couples: Angel/Giles, Buffy/Wesley, Dawn/Ethan, Joyce/Xander, Spike/Willow. Ok, maybe Spike/Willow isn't that unusual, but who's complaining?
Landfill by
polly1esther (Spike/Giles, R):
LJ link |
youtube link. I'm usually not into shippy vids, and even more not into angsty shippy vids, but this one is so perfectly edited that nobody could resist.
Tourniquet by aimee (Buffy/Faith). Dark AU where Buffy is losing her mind over Faith, literally.
Ripper Opening Titles by vanishing446 (Ensemble... sort of). The title sums it up already. God, how I wish these opening credits were real!