Some favorite fancomics

Nov 02, 2014 10:49

Buffy Cartoons by She-Walks-Into-Doors.
Here are some as a teaser, and you can find more of them at author's deviantart gallery.

One Soul (Willow/Tara, PG-13) by Leah (aka foxfire141) and Chris Cook. Long and plotty Vamp!Willow/Vamp!Tara graphic novel set in dark AU, similar to Wishverse.
Here are first pages, the rest you can find here or at author's blog.

Naughty Puppets by sueworld2003 (Angel/Spike, PG-13).

Miss Kitty Fantastico Cartoons by Scout. (Sorry, I have no author info other than cartoons were posted on kittenboards forums long ago.)

Busty the Franchise Slayer by Jason Robinson.

And I would also rec awesome astridV's and etothey's fancomics, but I doubt that there is a single buffy fan who haven't seen them already.

char: willow, char: ensemble, form: photo manip, cat: animal stories, form: comic, fandom: btvs, cat: humor, char: puppet angel, pairing: angel/spike, cat: vamped human, pairing: willow/angel, pairing: buffy/spike, pairing: willow/tara, fandom: ats, char: spike

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