Five Fine Fics by elviswhataguy

Jan 04, 2014 20:25

Originally, I was going to include one story by elviswhataguy in the list, but I realized that there was so much great work it deserved its own post.

elviswhataguy writes thoughtful, subtle Buffyverse stories that offer fascinating insights into the character's minds. I love all of the little details about what demon-fighting tasks they're working on, the books they read, the odd little incidents that they remember.

1. Let It Bleed Willow/Faith, Rated M.
The first story in the Wickedgeekyverse trilogy. There's an intriguing plot, and along the way both Willow and Faith are struggling through the hard work of redemption--and find themselves unexpected allies, friends, and eventually lovers.

The way we see the relationship through the point of view of the other characters (Kennedy, Buffy, Dawn and Xander) is also terrific. Nobody is in the story just to be a one-dimensional cheerleader for the relationship, or a jerk about it. Xander in particular is well-drawn in this story; the story explores both his worst qualities and his best. He's a complex person who has his reasons to be less-than-thrilled about a Willow/Faith relationship.

The thing that takes it over the top for me is Faith: she is alternately hilarious, idiotic, aggravating, endearing, and insightful, and her journey to something approaching a real relationship is a joy to read. The sequel, Beggar's Banquet, is less plotty, and includes a Giles point-of-view chapter where Faith and Giles hunt a dragon in Cleveland.

2) (No Need To) Be Aggressive Larry, Rated T.
A short look at what's on Larry's mind, circa Season 3. I really like the nuanced treatment of a character that was mostly used for comic relief on the show.

3) Here Today, No Future Fears Dawn, Cordelia, Rated T.
I'm a sucker for pre-Season 5 "Dawn was always there" fics, and this is an angsty tale about Dawn's interactions with Cordelia and other Scoobies. The ending packs a big emotional wallop.

4) Kings of Nothing Joyce, rated T.
Five 100 word drabbles, each about Joyce from the point of view of a man who loved her. I'm really impressed how she makes each man recognizable with so few words.

5) In Stereo Willow/Faith, rated T kind of.
This one is best without much of an intro, so I'll stick with the author's description: "On the fringes of the Wickedgeekyverse. Nice and orderly."

char: larry, char: joyce summers, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, form: series, cat: femslash, char: cordelia, cat: canon au, form: drabble, char: dawn, pairing: willow/faith

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