Five Classic Willow fics

Nov 02, 2013 13:09

Willow is a fascinating and complex character to me, and I really enjoy fiction that reflects that. Here are five classic Willow fics. I'm going to be cautious and label them all not worksafe.

1) The Power and The Other Thing by mosca.Willow/Tara, Willow/Glory (not really the focus of the story) Gorgeous Wishverse story, with Nerdy Willow, Super-witch Willow, and Scary Willow all wrapped up into one. I really enjoy the way the characters from Angel were worked in. The tone is a bit chilly and remote and matches the world-building wonderfully. This is one of the most hopeful Wishverse stories I've read, but the hope seems earned. This is one of those stories that I think should get a lot more recognition than it has.

2)Family Issues by MarcusRowland. Willow/Tara Season 6 Men In Black crossover. When the Men In Black get called out to Sunnydale, it sets into motion a much funnier, happier Season 6 arc for Willow, Tara, Buffy, Spike, Dawn, Xander, and Anya, (and a much worse fate for Warren) while still acknowledging Willow’s control-freak personality and how formidable she can be even without magic.

3)Culture Vultures by Yahtzee. Sort of Willow/Oz, Post-Chosen. Willow, Oz, and Faith visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Handles Willow’s post-Grave issues (her need to fix things, the balance between Geeky Willow and Magic Willow) in one story better than all of Season 7 did. There’s also some interesting Willow and Faith interaction (an opportunity the show missed IMO) and a plot that ties all those elements together in an entertaining way.

4)Corpus et Sanguis by Trekker. Season 5 Willow/Giles. This is a beautifully written love story that presents Giles and Willow as complex, flawed people who make mistakes that end up hurting other people. Despite having some wildly AU aspects (it's an mpreg story), the Season 5 canon is subtly and effectively woven into the story. There's a genuine affection for all of the Buffyverse characters, warts and all, that's a delight to read. I never thought I'd be interested in an mpreg story before I read this story. This is also the story that made appreciate the Giles/Willow ship, which I’d never really taken seriously before.

5) Dark Zen by IridescentZen. Vamp Willow/Riley. I don’t tend to empathize much with Vamp Willow or Riley, but this short story made me ache for both of them. If you like this one, IridescentZen has more than a dozen other dark,angsty Willow fics for your perusal.

cat: crossover, form: ficlet, form: longfic, cat: btvs s6, cat: femslash, pairing: willow/tara, pairing: willow/riley, cat: mpreg, fandom: btvs, pairing: willow/oz, form: epic, pairing: willow/giles, cat: vamped human, char: faith, pairing: willow/glory, cat: btvs s5

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