5 Short Spuffy Charmers

Jan 28, 2013 02:24

Time to Tell by spuffy_noelle NC17
In an alternative S6, Spike blackmails persuades Buffy to go public with surprising results. Surprising to Buffy, if nobody else.

Birthdays, Nights Out, and Slay Dates... )

cat: body changes, form: ficlet, pairing: buffy/spike, char: buffy, fandom: btvs, form: fic

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slaymesoftly January 28 2013, 13:55:21 UTC
Can't go wrong with recs from sb_fag_ends!


rebcake January 28 2013, 19:25:05 UTC
Oddly enough, only two of these are from sb_fag_ends. I'm trying to highlight at least a few things that were in spots with less traffic. However, you are correct that there are dozens more there that would fit this bill perfectly! That is the place to go for people interested in this category.


slaymesoftly January 28 2013, 20:36:43 UTC
Really? I thought I counted at least three, if not four. I guess maybe the backgrounds on some of them looked similar.


slaymesoftly January 28 2013, 20:37:51 UTC
Ah - I see two were Barbs. Don't know where I got 3 or 4 from. :)


rebcake January 29 2013, 01:15:21 UTC
I know what you mean, alas.


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