5 Excellent Short Gen Fics

Jan 17, 2013 10:00

These stories encompass a variety of moods and styles, but all end up revealing something you never realized you needed to know.

losing farther, losing faster  by teaotter PG
Joyce’s brain tumor diagnosis only explains part of why she sees something else when she looks at Dawn.

Spike and Giles are the Village Green Preservation Society by beer_good_foamy PG13
Post-NFA, two ally-enemies bring each other up to date on recent activities.

Calling by TheFoxinator PG
How Vi knows they’re going to win.

[Fill] Another to Forget by xela
AtS S5 Spike aggressively drowns his sorrows at a bachelorette party.

She'll Be Right (the no worries remix) by brutti_ma_buoni (PG)
A stuffy Watcher travels to distant shores to meet an unusual Slayer. Only this time it’s the 1920s, and he’s going Down Under.
While you’re at it, revisit the fabulous story that inspired this one: Fair Dinkum by deird1

cat: historical, char: joyce summers, char: giles, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, char: slayers, char: dawn, char: spike, char: watchers, cat: gen

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