5 stories that make me happy.

Dec 15, 2005 09:42

Five stories off the top of my head that make me happy. This will be a start, anyway.

Clem/Spike from deborahmm A Friend in Need for first time sex ficathon on DS. Clem has a little problem with being a virgin. Can Spike help out a bud?

twilightofmagic's Wesley/Giles Voices in the Night Giles is haunted by how he deserted his old lover Wesley before Wesley's death. Can he make contact with Wesley's restless spirit?

incasink's Honor. whore!Spike/Angel Honor Angel is a samurai assassin. Spike is a whore, living with Ethan. Fireworks!

authoressnebula's LOST. S/X h/C dark!fic. Lost
Something happened to Xander. He's broken, branded and lost. Can Spike find out who hurt him and help Xander find himself again?

fanbot's Unbreakable. Up every Wednesday for lucky readers. S/X. Unbreakable Xander is found a gladiator slave and rescued by Spike. Spike's gentle friendship is helping the haunted warrior heal. A very slow moving tender romance.

cat: slavefic, pairing: giles/wesley, char: ethan, cat: darkfic, fandom: btvs, pairing: xander/spike, cat: shansu, char: clem, form: fic, pairing: angel/spike, cat: human au, char: spike, cat: hurt/comfort, cat: slash

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