Five Definitely Not Fluffy Fics

Jan 07, 2013 18:10

...that is, five fics that, as I believe the kids call it these days, "punched me in the feels" and made me think at the same time.

Unanswered and In This Garden, Verdant And Bright by snowpuppies. Two very different looks at what happens to Dana after "Damage" - because I'm just a sucker for good Dana fic, and snowpuppies is one of the best writers in the fandom.

Oh, Little Sister by carlyinrome. And the day keeps on remindin’ me, there’s a hellhound on my trail. Buffy/Faith, set in an AU where Faith was called first.

Untitled by red_satin_doll. A ruffle of papers; the doctor peruses the chart. "Joyce Summers, deceased...Hank Summers...No mention of any siblings." Gen.

Reappropriation by CatKing_Catkin. Willow asks to put up an LGBT pride flyer in the Magic Box. Giles refuses. Cue history lesson. Giles/Jenny, Giles/Ethan.

Our Issues Have Issues by snogged. Set after the events of Season 5’s “Family,” Willow meets her doppelganger’s protégé. Willow/Sandy (which, really, is a painfully underexplored semi-canonical pairing).

Bonus, since it's already been recced at least once but deserves all the love it gets:
Ethan Rayne Versus America by indri. How Ethan escapes. He long ago lost track of how long he's been imprisoned. He loses track now of how long it's been since the magic came back, since its whispers started in his waking hours and its visions began filling his nights.

char: ensemble, char: ethan, char: giles, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, pairing: willow/sandy, form: fic, cat: femslash, char: buffy, fandom: ats, char: dana, cat: gen, pairing: buffy/faith

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