5 random things

Jan 02, 2012 21:40

Here's five completely unrelated fanworks that stuck in my head or under my skin this year. Four fics and one vid.

stormwreath: History Of The Watcher's Council. Canon says the Watcher's Council has been around as long as the Slayers... so how did they get from Shadowmen to stuffy Brits? This is a deliciously detailed and very believable history, with more than a few little in-jokes for those interested in history.

quinara: 4'33''. Yes, it's a fanvid set to... silence. Or rather to the pauses of silence before something starts, to a breath drawn to say something unsaid. Which fits very nicely with Spike and Buffy in the basement in early s7.

ladyofthelog: The Sound Of Her. I never got wingfic. Nothing against those who like it, I just never got the point, I thought it seemed to be mostly fluffy wish fulfillment. And then ladyofthelog served up this tale of Faith growing wings and it's... visceral. In the best Cronenbergian sense.

brutti_ma_buoni: Finger On The Pulse (Buffybot/Gwen Raiden). The sort of fic that looks sweet and hot and heartwarming until you think a bit about it and realise you need a shower. Without being exactly able to say why.

And finally,
gabrielleabelle: The Watcher's Council Wellness Retreat. Giles does the sensible thing after "Tabula Rasa" and sends the whole mess of Scoobies to a psychiatric retreat. Cue metalulz.

char: ensemble, cat: body changes, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, cat: preseries, cat: humor, form: vid, form: fic, cat: femslash, char: faith, char: spike, char: watchers, pairing: buffybot/gwen

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