Top 5 Classic "Help" Communities

Oct 29, 2011 14:16

Websites and communities that can "help" you get a project completed. In no particular order :

Riters_r_us : This community is intended as a resource for fan fic writers, betas and anyone else interested in improving their writing. Great place for discussions on grammar, spelling, etc.

BtVS_Award_Info : a community that has been created so that people can stay aprised of nomination openings and closings and the current status of Buffy based awards sites. The website currently comprises 17 current websites, and a listing of sites on hiatus.

The Angel and Spike timeline : confused about what happened when - look no further.

The Buffy and Angel Dialogue Database : one stop for all your dialogue needs.

Banner grab . Need a banner for your latest tale? Stop on over and make a request.

form: website, form: community, fandom: btvs, form: banner, form: awards, fandom: ats, char: angel, char: spike

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