Was there ever a show so perfectly suited to the genus crossoverus? I think not.
Whatever Remains, However Improbable by yonwords (PG)
Victor and Sierra are imprinted as Holmes and Watson, but the engagement does not go as planned. (Does it ever?)
Backwards, and in Heels by sobsister (PG13)
Crossover with Better Off Ted (highly recommended, btw) in which Adelle and Veronica (think Sue Sylvester in a power suit) are after the same pair of Manolo Blaniks.
Tarocchi Appropriati (The Butterfly Dies in LA remix) by
duh_i_read (PG13)
Also read the fic this was remixed from:
The Most Important Kiss He’d Ever Know by
prlrocks (PG13)
Dru sends Spike after one of the Dollhouse's tastiest morsels.
Echoes of the Past (Holographic Businesswoman Remix) by Alixtii (PG13)
Shepard Book and Mr. Universe do some digging into River’s little problem, and find the Dollhouse at the core.
Of Ill-Advised Imprints and Rather Fetching Ewok Queens by lirazel (
penny_lane_42 ) (PG13)
The title says it all.