Top 5 Awesome Women of the Whedonverse Vids

Apr 01, 2011 12:22

Spitfire by thedothatgirl - Worksafe - Zoe rocks. She rocks so hard.

Around the Bend by danegen - Work caution advised - Multifandom vid of women driving, flying and being awesome. Includes some of our favorite Whedonverse ladies.

That's Not My Name by kita0610 - Worksafe - Multifandom vid highlighting the role of various women of color, particularly in BSG, but also Buffy, Dollhouse and Firefly.

My Medea by yunitsa - Worksafe - Lyrical look at the patterns of women and their roles in the Whedonverses.

This is the Picture by obsessive24 - Worksafe - is an all-Whedon vid that does a stunning job of tying together common themes across Joss' work (the connections made all the more circular, in my view, by the repeated use of actors across projects). One can oooh at the many mirrored scenes in show after show, and it's well worth seeing just for that. But if one like the thinky too, it will reward repeated views because it's densely packed and I think one can identify things about Whedon's take on people and the world.

char: ensemble, cat: crossover, char: zoe, fandom: dollhouse, fandom: btvs, fandom: dr. horrible, form: vid, fandom: ats, cat: character vid, fandom: firefly

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