Five fluffy fics

Jan 17, 2011 13:51

A Warm and Fuzzy Tale by penny_lane_42
PG. Post-"Angel". Buffy/Spike, Illyria, Dawn. There is a third party in Buffy and Spike's bedroom, and Buffy is not happy about it. Writer uses a funny situation to reflex on serious questions: how our prejudices are born? how we hate? how we love? Delightful yarn - sweet but not saccharine.

Just Add Destiny and Stir by Rahirah
G, Barbverse. Buffy and prophecies are unmixy.

The Christmas Tree Fairy by shapinglight
R. Post-series AU, kind of. Spike has been turned into a wee little fairy with wings. Hijinks ensued.

Of All That Is Sweet and Warm by angearia
Future!fic, G. Spike and his little daughter have quality time in the kitchen in Buffy's absence. One of the the cutest stories I ever read.

Summers' Cooking Adventures by Angearia and Penny_lane_42
PG-13, post-BtVS. Buffy/Spike, Dawn. Buffy promised to cook, Dawn had promised to clean up...

char: illyria, cat: body changes, form: ficlet, fandom: btvs, form: series, cat: fluff, pairing: buffy/spike, fandom: ats, cat: parenting, char: dawn, char: spike

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