The Five Stages of Grief by Jedi ButtercupWesley/Illyria, Buffy/Spike, FR15
The legends rise; the heroes fall. Of course, there's more to the story than that.
Awakening by PamAngel/Wesley, NC-17
When Angelus awoke, the soul was gone.
- Angel: Cyber Season Six: episode
1 and
2 by crazywritinfool & way2busymom
gen, PG13
“And so beneath the weight lay I
And suffered death, but could not die.”
--Edna St. Vincent Millay, Renascence
No Rest for the Wicked by justhumanWesley/Lilah, PG
"Lilah, can't you even let a man rest in peace. I'm dead."
Going On by applecameron (And its sequels
Going On, Part II,
Going On, Intermission,
Going On, Part III)
Angel/Wesley, PG
Wes Lives!