Top 5 LJ "Help" Communities

Dec 21, 2005 22:39

I figured I'd go ahead and put my two cents in, and list my top 5 LJ help communities.

I'm just going to copy the descriptions from their own userinfo, because really, I can't say it any better!

1. riters_r_us

This new community is intended as a resource for fan fic writers, betas and anyone else interested in improving their writing. I will try to post something every day similar to the "Daily Doozies" I've been putting up on my personal lj for the past month. In addition, I welcome submissions, questions, suggested subjects for doozies or urls of good resources for writers.

I'll be putting (a bit at a time) potentially useful things in the memories where they can be accessed easily. I'll have my long (and getting longer) list of homonyms, a list of urls of resources, a list of useful books, essays about writing in general and about writing specifically fan fiction and BtVS/AtV fic.

If you think you have things to contribute, or if you just want to see what is available, join us and lets all work toward better writing in the stories we enjoy.

2. seeking_spike

This community was created as an aid to those in search of fanfiction, graphics, artwork, and screencaps (or anything else you can think of) having to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series.

Please feel free to request help in finding the location/author/artist of your favorite BtVS and AtS creations.

3. banner_grab

This community caters to Buffy and Angel centric fiction only.

Hopefully, it will be a place where authors and artists can come together and collaborate. Both bunnyluv_pet and selene2 would love to work together with authors in search of artwork to illustrate their fiction.

4. btvs_award_info
BTVS Awards Central is a community that has been created so that people can stay aprised of nomination openings and closings and the current status of Buffy based awards sites. The website currently comprises 18 current websites, and a listing of sites on hiatus.

Our Website:
Our Yahoo Group (same listings as lj, just delivered to your inbox.)

5. fanart_pimp
Welcome to the Fanart Pimp community. Everytime you make a banner or an icon do you just want to show it to EVERYONE? I do. I have this very annoying habit of IMing practically everyone I know and going "hey look." Perhaps there is a better solution. This Comm. Was made with mostly Buffy fans in mind (since those are the fans I know) But it's open for any fandom. Post your icons and Banners here.

form: awards, form: community, fandom: ats, form: fic, form: banner

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