5 favorite posts from summer_of_giles 2009

Jan 07, 2010 20:17

1)  Everything Changes (starshine24mc , crossover with Torchwood, Giles/Jack Harkness, PG13)

Absolutely stunning little fic that goes with a lovely premise that Giles and Jack would totally run into each other in a dark alley one night.  You don't really have to know Torchwood to read this, just know that while the Btvs verse is about monsters, the Torchwood verse is all about aliens instead.

2)  Bibliophilia (glimmergirl , crossover with Merlin, Giles/Merlin, PG13)

Glim manages to do the impossible and bring these two universes together in the most convincing of ways -- over books.  Unsurprisingly.  And it's all done in that lovely kind of prose and with a deft touch that is the hallmark of glim's writing style.  It's preseries, right as Giles is refinding his feet returning to the Council.

3)  Giles/Faith, Giles/Fred, Giles/Buffy & Giles/Xander wallpapers and icons by noelia_g (worksafe)
Noelia always creates beautiful artwork, and this post is no different - lovely colors, bold photographs, with sexy pairings, each work is more lovely than the last.

4) A Rose By Any Other Name (brutti_ma_buoni  , meta)
And absolutely amusing and delightful little look inside Giles' lists.  The subtitle is 'revised and expanded classification of the specialist classes in the watcher's library: overview' which I think gives you a hint bout what you'll be looking at, kind of.  Just check it out, and enjoy a very smart and adorable entry.

5) Age Sneaks Up (rivendellrose , gen, future!fic)
If you're a Giles-fan this one will give you a bit of a pang in the best of all ways, simply because it's great characterization, and a wonderful set of moments in Giles' future life and the family he has found himself part of. 

pairing: giles/faith, cat: crossover, pairing: giles/fred, char: giles, cat: meta, cat: futurefic, pairing: buffy/giles, cat: parenting, form: wallpaper, form: icons, cat: slash, cat: gen, pairing: xander/giles

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