...in which there are Potentials, or a whole lot of Slayers

Jan 01, 2010 20:05

Here are five fics featuring Potentials, or post-series Slayers.

The Ghost Who Walks by beer_good_foamy
What happened to Dana.
(rated PG-13)

Spartan by beer_good_foamy
Eve arrives in Sunnydale.
(rated PG-13)

Prism by penny_lane_42
Buffy/Spike, as seen through the eyes of the Potentials.
(rated PG-13)

Trail of the Pbuffalo by beer_good_foamy
Dawn and Faith have some fun giving the new Slayers weird ideas...
(rated PG-13)

Antipodean by beer_good_foamy
A drabble, featuring an Aussie Slayer.
(rated G)

char: original character, char: slayers, char: eve, char: faith, pairing: buffy/spike, char: dana, form: drabble, char: dawn, cat: gen

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