5 Fics That Still Make Me Laugh

Nov 01, 2009 01:30

The description kinda says it all. Each of these fics had really ridiculous premises that worked on so many levels. Much laughter ensued.

1. Nicollette Says Jump by Kalima
Spike/Nicollette/Xander, NC-17, Season 4
Summary: Spike has a yen for a big girl. Xander eats too many brownies. Hijinks ensue.

Review: Oh my Lord, how I love this fic. This is the penultimate Spike/Xander buddy fic for me. Strapped with having to babysit Spike, Xander accompanies him to the Bronze where Spike sets his sights on picking up a hefty chick with tons of spunk. Nicollette is a wonderfully realized OC. She's got confidence, sex appeal and a fun-loving spirit that proves to be too infectious for Xander to ignore. The ridiculous antics they get up to at Nicollette's apartment followed by the pickle they find themselves in afterward is just too good. The characterizations are amazing, the plot is delightfully funny, and I just couldn't stop laughing the whole way through. This fic is a total joy. Also nice to see Spike diversifying his taste in women beyond emotionally unstable waifs!

2. Who's Gay? by spankspike
Spike/Angel, NC-17, Ats Season 5
Summary: PWP. Spike and Angel seem to have gotten themselves into a tight squeeze. How else would they pass the time, but...

Review: Spike and Angel in an airshaft. Naked. And trapped. It doesn't get more outlandish than that! The bickering is intensely immature, but the real payoff is at the end of this fic when Lorne weighs in on Angel and Spike's predicament. Spanky had wonderful comedic timing on this one. I nearly peed my pants.

3. Employment After Death: How to Find the Perfect Career the Second Time Around by  snowpuppies 
Anya/Illyria, NC-17, compliant with Angel: ATF #3-4
Summary: Spike calls the Powers That Be fo some help with Illyria. Anya answers the call.

Review: Look no further for the perfect Buffyverse crack duo; they're right here. When an out of control Illyria starts to cause mischief, Anya - having found her true calling as a supernatural prostitute for hire - is summoned to put the kabash on the unruly God King. How does she tame the savage beast? Nothing short of a few orgasms! The sex dialogue in this fic is where so much of the win lies. How could the two most literal minded characters not have some awkward and silly instances of miscommunication? Read. So much to love.

4. Gepetto in the House by doyle_sb4
Spike & Angel!Puppet, PG-13, AtS Season 5
Summary: Angel's in need of some repairs and Spike's just the one up for the task.

Review: Wee puppet!angel is so cute when he's under duress! This adorable and silly exchange between Angel and Spike as he stitches his arm back on after a dog attack his really well characterized and executed. And despite his current state, Spike still manages to work the sexual innuendo. That dog!

5. The Night Before Christmas by shapinglight 
Spike vs. Santa Claus, PG-13, Season 5
Summary: It turns out that Santa Claus really does exist and Spike thinks he's a bit of a dick.

Review: I believe this is the first fic I ever read of shapinglight's and it killed me dead! The epic fight that ensues between Demonic Santa Claus, his fire breathing reindeer and Spike, who thinks he the baddest of the bad, is nothing short of classic. The verbal jabs that they throw at one another had me giggling the whole way through.

cat: holiday, char: original character, fandom: btvs, cat: humor, form: fic, char: puppet angel, pairing: angel/spike, cat: femslash, char: spike, pairing: threesome fmm, pairing: anya/illyria

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